Friday, February 24, 2012


On February 6 I came down with what I thought was the plague. It was the flu like I had never had before. All day Tuesday I laid in bed with the TV remote (gasp, no computer or iPad) and restarted Rio anytime it was over (the remote reaches from my bed to the DVD player). Poor Rori didn't want to watch Rio for days afterwards. I even had to call Darren home from work as Albany, at the ripe old age of 4, was the baby sitter came in telling me she got a stool to wet a rag and wiped Rori's (who is 1 lb smaller then Albany) hands, face, and nose.

Just as I was recovering from it, Rori got it. We were semi prepared for her and called the pediatrician immediately for Zofran. Once we got the Zofran in her she slept through the night and was fine. I then had time to totally disinfect our house and bleach, Lysol and wash anything and EVERYTHING in our way. Obviously I was to late, but I tried. Sunday night following Darren got sick like no ones business. He slept downstairs so Albany wanted to sleep with me which was fine, but she kept telling me her tummy hurt. SOOOOO..... I slept with a bucket on my bedside table. Of course not long after she woke up telling me she needed the bucket. After I got her comfortable I called the 24 hour pharmacy to get her dosage of Zofran. After she got that she was able to sleep and only missed dance for that week. Well we thought we were going to be done with it, but Monday night as I was taking Maylee to gymnastics she said she was going to be sick.

So I turned around and took her home; but Albany who hadn't eaten in two days wanted chicken nuggets, so I dropped Maylee at home and ran to McDonald's for Albany. By the time I got home at 6:15 pm Maylee had a dose of Zofran, by 6:30 the Zofran wasnt working. She got so dehydrated by 7:15 that we made the decision that she needed to go to the ER. We were at the ER by 7:40, were in an ER room by 8:30, on an IV by 9:15, second dose of Zofran by 9:30, through the first bag of fluid by 10:15, started on a second bag of fluid by 11:00, the decision to admit her to the pediatric unit by midnight, and in a pediatric unit room by 2:30 am. Fabulous Uncle Adam stayed the night with her as I had to get the little girls around in the morning (Uncle Adam didn't know how to do long static hair) and Darren didn't have anytime off work. I was in and out of the hospital dealing with little girls stuff and normal mommy things till about noon. By noon I had me and the little girls ready to camp out till Maylee was released. At 3 pm the nurse came in and said Maylee had to stay another night as she was not eating and drinking enough to sustain her without IV fluids. I called my parents and they came up to help with the little girls and Darren and I both stayed the second night in the hospital with Maylee. That night the nurse came in and brought Maylee the most amazing blanket gift. There is a group of women ( her in Lawrence that strive to give EVERY child who is admitted to the Lawrence Memorial Hospital Pediatric Unit a quilt for their stay.

(sorry about the quality its an iPad photo!)

The next morning the doctor came in and released her immediately. We were able to be home by 10:30 am Wednesday. Unfortunately Maylee didn't have school on Thursday or Friday, so she was READY to go back this past Monday. Thankfully our week was pretty usual and no big surprises, but I of course have been trying to play catch up.

All of this to say, I am sorry it has been so long since my last blog post. Check back soon though cause I am back in the saddle!!

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